Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Popular Wednesdays

Ha! I made it. But this week shall be down and dirty. My favorite things this week are:

Supernatural - Season 1 and 2 DVDs.

Couponz - so I can purchase Supernatural 1 & 2 DVDs without so much guilt.

Xmas - So I can justify purchase as gift to myself. Because I deserve it. Really.

Spirit, Stallion of the Cimarron - we've watched about every animated movie ever made when I checked this out at the library. My daughter loves it. Spirit is about horses, and unlike other animated movies about animals, they don't talk to each other using words. They act like real horses, and express themselves with their body language, ears, tail--and, yeah, big emo eyes. But there's not much dialogue in it, hardly thirty lines, and she had to do a lot of work to follow what was going on. It wasn't just spoon fed to her--she had to pay attention, to interpret. I couldn't believe she was watching it. But then I check on her and she's sniffling. Because watching the horses emote their sadness made her sad for them. Aw. Sniff.


Anonymous said...

My daughter loves Spirit. I need more dialogue in my stories, but she'll watch it over and over, and she's 11.

Love the 300 Raining men too.


Celeste said...
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Celeste said...

I'm a loser. I can't spell ;)

What I said was

Awwww. Your little emo girl...

Okay, back to homework.