Monday, April 14, 2008

Personality Quiz

Just returned from NEC, which was lovely. But am fried. The proof - am mainlining the song "Montego Bay." So. Here's are some fun quizes dealing with your favorite TV shows. I took the Supernatural one (of course), but pick your flavor.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Beauty and the Geek

Beauty and the Geek is the only reality show I watch, and it is so worth it. At first I was horrified at those poor girls seemed, but after a while I came to the conclusion (perhaps false) that they simply have no confidence in their intelligence. Therefore, when they are put on the spot and asked questions that make them feel self conscious about that lack they totally blank out on the answer. They take refuge in a giggle and an answer pulled out of thin air.

Last week I was scarred for life when it came time for two couples to go to elimation and it became clear that either Jim or Matt was going go. Matt is just plain adorable, but what makes me want to cry big tears is that Jim didn't make it to the makeover show. Srsly. I would love to see what he looks like under all that hair. He's already nice, but I think he's probably handsome as well. Sigh. Now I'll never know.