Step Into My World - The Writing Life of A Paranormal Romance Author and Voracious Reader
Number 1
A wyrm is missing. Check your charges. For those AWOL, meeting at seventeen hundred hours.
Connor McKenna read the message displayed on the pager cupped in his callused palm, his fingers clenching momentarily around the plastic. The pavement under his feet reflected the heat of the May sun up his jean clad legs.The mingling of car exhaust, pollen and blacktop almost eclipsed the aroma of roasted meat and yeast wafting from the hot dog cart parked beside him.
Suppressing a sigh, Connor shoved the beeper deep into his pocket. "Looks like we’re up."
Beside him, his best friend Cisco Martin scowled into his own little black box. "That’s just super."Number 2
A discordant noise resonated through the air over the practice field. Startled, Eclestes jerked his head around in the direction of the library and its ancient clock tower. Was it ten o’clock already? Damnation!
With a muffled curse, he handed off the arrows to one of his men and strode quickly towards the castle. He was supposed to be standing in the throne room tucked safely away behind his father’s many advisors, not sweating in the archery field. He was late and there would be hell to pay.
The hail came from the stables. He turned to see his older brother, Samiel, cutting through the yard, his hair lank with sweat and stable grime.