Hi, everyone. Okay, so have you survived the Holiday Season? I didn't think I would make it. Honestly. We flew to West Virginia to spend Xmas, and it takes two airplane rides to get there. I hate, hate,
hate flying. There are not enough hates to put in front of the word to convey how I feel. When I was younger I thought flying was a hoot, but as I've gotten older it's hit me how keeping a plane in the air is literally fighting the laws of physics. It doesn't help when my husband, who used to build airplane engines, says as we board, "Man, this plane is
However, there was one part of the trip that surprised me pleasantly. I love, love,
love the Detroit Airport. How can I love an airport? I don't know. But we spent a good half hour in front of the dancing water fountain, where by some marvel of engineering they have the water streams jump like fish (or tadpoles, as the kid said) and seem to retract on themselves. Okay, on second thought, I've seen people squirt water through their cupped hands in much the same fashion, but still. I was impressed. And the Light Tunnel in between the concourses? That tunnel...man was it
cool. Music that's a cross between easy listening and whales crying, light panels on the walls and ceilings morphing from crimson red, to indigo blue, to aqua green with the mood of the music. Very Logan's Run.
Aaaaand, I won't post a link here, but once again proving you can find anything at youtube, if you go there and type in Detroit Airport you can find videos of both the fountain (not so great) and the tunnel (good).